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QNS Mentorship Program

We finished our third Mentorship cycle in December 2024.  Thank you to all who have participated!  We plan to open applications for our next round in June 2025.  If you are interested in becoming a mentor or a mentee, please check this page again for the applications.  Information will also go out on the QNS listserv.  You will be paired based on your indicated goals, interests, preferred frequency of meetings, etc.  Mentorship can address any topic relevant to the mentor/mentee dyad, including but not limited to case conceptualization, professional identity and development, research, consultation, issues of inclusion/social justice, etc.  



Mentors are usually Professional members but exceptions can be made for interested Postdoctoral Fellows and Associate members with expertise relevant to neuropsychology research or practice.

Testimonial from previous mentors: 

What was beneficial about the program:

  • “Meeting and developing a relationship with someone I would not otherwise met.” 

  •   “Learning about current training practices”

  •   “Getting to share my knowledge and help my mentee” 

  •   “Opportunity for me to reach out to internship sites’ colleagues and openly discuss queer mentorship and support my student’s application”



Mentees are Student or Associate members. Professional members may apply to be a mentee and may be matched if an appropriately experienced mentor can be found.  Mentees - please let us know what area of focus is most important to you so that we can best match you with a mentor! 

Testimonials from previous mentees: 

What was beneficial about the program:

  • “Being able to get additional support and hear other perspectives outside my primary supervisor” 

  • “Exceptional support and introduction to valuable resources/professional connections” 

  • “Having someone with whom I could truly be myself” 


What to Expect: 

  • Mentors and mentees are expected to meet for a 6-month period within the context of the Mentorship Program, but mentorship may continue outside of the mentorship program if dyads are interested.

  • We will provide written materials and hold a virtual meeting to discuss structure, expectations, and goal setting and to answer questions prior to dyads beginning their work together. The frequency and duration of the meetings are left to each dyad to decide. We recommend at least once a month; some dyads have met every two weeks or every week.

  • Mentors and mentees will be asked to review and sign a grievance procedure aimed to provide a structure through which any issues that arise can be addressed. 

  • Mentors and mentees will be asked to provide feedback at the 3-month and 6-month marks.  Your input is critical for us improving this program!  

  • If you have questions about becoming a mentor or mentee, please feel free to reach out to QNS Student & Education Committee at

© 2024 by Queer Neuropsychological Society

QNS is a 501(c)3 nonprofit

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